The college library named as Paramananda Gan Library. It contains app. about 15000 no. of books , 500 journals & many periodicals arranged in sections & Sub-sections. The staff and students of this college and other persons specially permitted by the Principal may use the library. The following are some of the library rules for guidance of all.
The college library is opened from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all working days of the college and from 7.a.m. to 1p.m. during morning college. Issue & return will be made from 10.45 a.m. to 3p.m. and 7a.m. to 11 a.m. accordingly only to the students on the prescribed days. Other students may only return the books after the mentioned time. The library remains closed on Sundays and on authorized holidays.
The students intending to borrow books from the library should submit requisition slip mentioning names, numbers of books on the previous day or by the end of 1st period on the issue day to the person in charge.
No books shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the librarian until it has been entered in the library card and register and the entry attested by the borrower.
Books, journals, newspapers & other reading materials issued to the staff and students inside the reading room must be returned positively to the reading room I/C before they leave library otherwise necessary action may be taken.
Every borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later presumption will be charged against the borrower.
The maximum numbers of books that may be issued to the various categories of borrowers are given below.

No. of issue of books to staff & students :

1. Lecturers 20
2. Demonstrators, P.E.T., Lab.Asst. 10
3. Office Asst. 05
4. 4th class staff, attendant 03
5. +2 Students 02
6. Degree Students 03

# (Above figure is permitted but subject to availability of books)

Books shall be returned within a period of 15days Maximum time allowed to the borrower students after which Rs. O.10paisa may be charged per day.
A borrower against whom any order or other charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from library. The initial deposit can not be withdrawn so long as the library dues are not cleared.
Books that are rare copies / reserved copies etc. shall not be issued to any borrower without the special permission (written) of the Principal or from the Librarian, Map, University, Calendars, Current issue periodicals, courses of studies shall not be issued to use at home without the special permission of librarian.
Students appearing Council/University examination should generally return books & Magazines before filling up their forms. All the library articles should be returned by the borrowers before the summer vacation and also when the librarian needs, if not intimated to the Principal for necessary action Rs. 5/- will be charged from the defaulting students.
Any book lost damaged or defected by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is one of a set or a series and the volume cannot be obtained single the whole set or series must be replaced at the readers cost or they shall deposit three times of the cost of the book.
Spitting, smoking or sleeping in the library is forbidden. The librarian will report to the Principal all cases of such activities or improper use of the library on the part either of the students or staff.
Those who use the library must observe strict silence. When they are obliged to speak to the librarian and library staff of the issue section they should speak in low voice. Anything regarding the library may be informed to or placed before the librarian first.
These library rules as mentioned are applicable to the staff of the library members and they are required to issue maximum 5 (five books at a time within their limit). All the books and library materials issued to them must be returned before the summer vacation. Otherwise the defaulters name will be intimated to the authority for necessary action.

Day of issue of books :

Monday +2 Arts All Classes
Tuesday +3 Sc. All Classes
Wednesday +3 Arts all classes
Thursday +2 Science all classes
Friday +2 & +3 commerce all classes
Saturday Office staff

# (The fixture is variable if found necessary with proper notice)

Some members from the teaching staff are nominated by the Principal to form the library and book bank committee of which the Principal will be the chairman & the librarian will be the convener. The committee is responsible for the management of the library both in its financial and administrative aspects.
The students & staff of the college are required to take a “ No dues” clearance certificate from the librarian while leaving the institution or taking any important documents or refunding caution money.
A person who takes books from the library is supposed to have read the library rules and to have agreed to abide by them. Ignorance of library rules will be no excuse for the breach of any rule.
The Book Bank will be treated as a section of the college library. The library and book bank committee formed by the Principal will select the deserved students for lending books from book bank and the librarian will be the convener of the book bank selection committee.
The committee will invite application for loan of text books from the students of the college and select deserving candidates on the basis of merit & poverty. The committee may conduct interview for selection of candidates, if necessary.
The committee will submit to the Principal a list of candidates selected for loan of text books for approval.
A nominal cost of 10% of the actual cost of the book will be paid by the borrower, once covering the course period till their University/Council exam. form is filled up.

Max no. of books for the +2 students            — 3
Max no. of books for the Degree Students    — 4
# Issue of books depend on their availability

The selected 1st year students of +2 and +3 classes get issued and returned books according to the library rules. They may utilize the B.B. in 2nd year, provisionally, but within their issue limit.
The borrower will remain responsible for loss or damage of books in which case library rules will be applicable.
The books will be returned at such time and in such manner as the librarian will notify.
Regarding other rules library rules will be applicable.

Manoranjan Mallick, Asst. Librarian
Phone Number: +91 9438116842






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